


对于我们的学生来说,网赌最好最大平台的使命和愿景的核心是发展他们的能力 完整的人.  取得优异的学业成绩和建立良好的人际关系是很重要的, 但我们相信,真正的转变只有在与父神建立亲密关系的情况下才会发生, through the person of Jesus Christ the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of believers. 这就是为什么, at 网赌最好最大平台 you will discover a Christ-centered community of faculty, 工作人员, 学生们致力于在他们与基督的关系中成长,将他们的信仰融入他们生活的方方面面, both on and off campus.

我们是。 基督教 大学的设计和自豪地继续活出近100年的传统,注入信仰和教育的方式,使我们的学生成为王国的进步和全球影响的催化剂.  这是我们与其他大学的不同之处,也是我们每天早上起床的动力.  我们的课程旨在通过教导学生如何将他们的信仰应用于他们选择的职业道路来整合信仰和学习, but it’s more than that. 这段时间是你在课堂上与教授一起祈祷和祈祷的时间,或者是同一位教授在课堂外为你提供个人指导的时间. It’s chapel service twice a week, dorm devotions with your RA’s, worship nights in the Nash 教堂, and mission trips to foreign countries.  在网赌最好最大平台, 你可以肯定,你将有机会不仅在学术上和社交上成长, but spiritually as well.



Jake Ratliff – Campus Minister         

Mike Cochran – Worship Collective Director

Jeremy Miller – 网赌最好最大平台达到 Co-Director

Graduate Residency Program

网赌最好最大平台 Campus 部 is excited to launch a new Graduate Residency program! The Graduate Residency Program intends to provide practical 部 experience, accompanied with academic studies, 为圣经研究领域的本科生提供1-2年的课程, 神学, or a 部-related field. Interested students may contact the Campus Minister, Jake Ratliff (jratliff@aangny.com), for information or to apply. A full over of the program may also be found here: 项目概述

Application Process:

  • Submit a resume with 3 references to the Campus Minister (jratliff@aangny.com).
  • 向校园部长提交一篇文章(2-4页),回答以下问题:
    • What does 部 mean to you in your own words?
    • What are your goals upon the completion of your studies?
    • How may this program help you accomplish those goals?
    • In what areas do you think this program will help you improve?
  • 申请并获得Keeran圣经学院网赌最好最大平台研究生课程的录取(或有条件录取) & 部.

Here are a few ways you can grow in your faith…


使网赌最好最大平台体验独特的诸多方面之一是我们的教堂服务. Twice a week for 50 minutes, 整个校园社区聚集在纳什教堂崇拜和上帝的话语教学的时间. Vibrant worship services are led by talented members of our student body. 每个教堂都有一个演讲嘉宾,他通常是一个地区或全国知名的沟通者. 我们努力将高水平的演讲者带到教堂,他们有一些东西可以分享,我们认为这将使我们的学生受益,并在精神上“推动”他们. 从一开始,教堂服务就一直是网赌最好最大平台DNA的关键组成部分,使我们与大多数其他学院和大学区别开来.

Student 教堂 Requirements:

因为我们务要按着基督的身体聚集在一起, chapel attendance is mandatory. Each student is required to accrue 26 chapel credits per semester (16 if you are a commuter) out of 30 chapel services while at 网赌最好最大平台. 这使得在校学生每学期有4次无理由缺课,可以根据自己的意愿使用. Excused absences such as illnesses, 紧急情况, 与学校有关的旅行不计入学生的总数. Students may accrue their 26 (or 16) credits through one of two pathways:


学生获得必要的精神形成学分的第一种选择是选择绕过生活小组获得学分,而只通过参加教堂服务获得学分. 在这个选项中, students would need to attend 26 (16, if commuter) of the 30 offered chapel services to pass. Students will be allotted 4 unexcused absences per semester. 选择这条道路并不排除学生参加生活小组. Students are encouraged to plug into any of the following groups, they simply won’t receive chapel credits for attending.

Life Group Pathway:

学生在积累必要的精神形成学分的第二个选择是通过选择参加教堂服务和生活小组来获得精神形成学分. 在这个场景中, students may earn a maximum of 8 (4, if commuter) credits from attending a Life Group. Their remaining credits must come through attending chapel services (i.e. 18, 12).  Students can explore the various groups offered through 网赌最好最大平台 by exploring the Fall 2023 Life Group Catalogue. 一旦学生有了几个兴趣小组,他们可以通过以下链接报名参加一个小组: 在这里注册.


While we believe in the importance of being together, 我们明白,在学生无法控制的特殊情况下,他们可能需要申请教堂豁免. These scenarios are academically related in the case of internships, 一些实习课程, and student teaching; medical-related amid the COVID-19 pandemic; and, 与工作相关的通勤者在教堂日没有在校园上课,并且在那些日子里有工作需要他们在校外工作. In any of these cases, 学生必须填写教堂豁免表格,并附上表格中注明的任何适当文件.

教堂豁免 Form

The Round Table Society

网赌最好最大平台 offers a vast array of athletic programs on our campus. 我们相信在我们的运动项目的力量,不仅是成功的胜利栏,而且在事工. 校园事工团队与每个项目的队长和领导一起参加一个名为, “The Round Table Society.“这个小组有助于促进三个组成部分,这将帮助我们的学生运动员通过他们的运动才能表达他们的信仰. We believe it is important that student-athletes…

  1. Study the Word of God, allowing it to serve as a foundation for all they do,
  2. Support their entire Knights family, building bridges between programs, 
  3. Serve their campus family and surrounding communities.


Periodically there are special events held on campus. 其中一些是由参加敬拜事工项目的学生组织的, and they are always terrific, refreshing experiences. 其他 times, a group of students might feel led to plan something unique. Working with the Campus 部 office, these evening worship experiences can be rich and good for the soul.


网赌最好最大平台 达到 exists to develop partnerships between 网赌最好最大平台 students and local churches and camps. 网赌最好最大平台 达到 teams will be equipped to serve with and come alongside established ministries. The program offers several ways for us to connect such as summer camp teams, 青年撤退, 青年霸占, Sunday morning volunteers, 和更多的!

Kentucky 基督教 University takes great pride in our outreach teams.  这些团体是有意挑选的学生,他们有一颗事奉和服事的心.  这些学生也准备通过演讲或设立摊位来宣传网赌最好最大平台.  然而, 最重要的是, 我们的外展团队受过训练,装备精良,可以与牧师们一起来提升神的国度.

Uprooted: A 网赌最好最大平台 Campus 部 Podcast

网赌最好最大平台校园事工每周为网赌最好最大平台家庭提供一个播客,深入探讨与信仰有关的几个话题, 部, 和社会. 主讲嘉宾包括教堂讲者、当地牧师、网赌最好最大平台校友、教职员及学生. The podcast can be found on most sites and apps that distribute podcasts, or you find it at the following link: http://anchor.fm/kcuuprooted



“在网赌最好最大平台,你有机会与其他教职员工和学生结交终身朋友.  我知道
me, 这些友谊将延续到永恒,因为它们将是我在天堂里储存的一些财富.”

Dr. Mitch Marshall, 网赌最好最大平台 Professor

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